09 September, 2009

Redirecting Sound with rDesktop

I've been working with VirtualBox for the past few months. I've grown to love it, and consider virtualization as one of the most compelling technologies we've seen in the past decade.

Running VMs headless has quite a few advantages. For instance, we're bundling X VMs on a server and serving out to less capable processors via RDP clients. The latest challenge was redirecting sound to the client processor. Like most things, pretty simple to do...once you've done it.

Thought it was worth a quick note:

Assuming you've started a VM with remote display enabled, such as:

$ VBoxHeadless -startvm WinXp -vrdp on -vrdpport 8000

To establish an RDP connection (assuming host IP of

$ rdesktop

$ rdesktop -r sound:local:oss

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