10 April, 2009

VMware Remote Console -- Command Line

I've been investigating thin-client connectivity to virtual machines with VMware Server 2.0.

While the console available through the web interface is pretty responsive, I've got a need to restrict the VM configuration from the user. I figured there was a means to kick off the console independent of the web interface, but hadn't found it...'til now.

/home/user/.mozilla/firefox/6lk37syc.default/extensions/VMwareVMRC@vmware.com/plugins/vmware-vmrc -X -h localhost:8333 -u vmadmin -p adminpassword "[standard] WinXp/WinXp.vmx"

That'll start a full screen console where VMware Server is running locally. Should apply remotely as well, but does require installation of the VDI on the client (i.e. connect via the web interface at least once).

Cool Beans.

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